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Meet The Team

Hi there! We can’t wait to help you achieve food freedom.

We're human first and recognize you are too! We will never treat you like a "patient". Your thoughts, feelings, emotions, and experiences matter. We like to build connections with our clients and get to know you for who you authentically are. All folks are welcome here.

We are sensitive to each client’s experiences and work to meet them at each stage of their process. We communicate with empathy, non-judgment, and respect. We work from a Health at Every Size (HAES) approach and specialize in size-inclusive nutrition therapy for disordered eating and eating disorders. We are also passionate about intuitive eating, digestive issues, and sports nutrition.

Jill Kott, RD, CD (she/her)

Registered Dietitian

I am a registered dietitian who specializes in treating eating disorders, disordered eating, and chronic dieting. I provide virtual nutrition counseling services for adults and adolescents who live in the state of Washington.

My interest in nutrition grew from a desire to nourish my body and find balance in everyday life. The nutrition information I was provided as a teen was rigid and confusing. During my studies, my eyes were opened to the ways in which nutrition can be restorative and life giving. As an adult, I seek to create a balanced lifestyle that honors my lived experience and supports growth in these areas. 

 As a clinician, I strive to create a safe, compassionate space for you to explore your relationship with food and body. I use a holistic approach that promotes body trust. I believe that all bodies deserve respect and to receive high quality healthcare. Your voice is a vital component in your treatment, and your care should be a collaborative experience that incorporates your strengths and values. I want to support you in reconnecting with your body’s intuition.

In my free time, I love to spend time in nature with my Australian Cattle Dog/Pitbull Mix named Zona. I also love to create cyanotype prints with local flowers & folige. I have lived in the Pacific Northwest nearly all of my life, and I am constantly inspired by the landscape. 

Abbey Roberts, MS, RD, CD (she/her)

Owner and Registered Dietitian

I am a master's level registered dietitian and exercise physiologist with a background in clinical nutrition therapy. I'm also neurodivergent (late diagnosed ADHD) and love my other neurodivergent clients and their cool brains!

I specialize in size-inclusive nutrition therapy for disordered eating and eating disorders. I am also passionate about intuitive eating, digestive issues, and sports nutrition. I work with ages 13+.

Let's be less serious: In my free time I find joy in reading thriller novels (I really liked The Silent Patient), taking care of my plants (even though I typically forget to water them), coffee (love a good vanilla latte), watching reality dating shows (because duh), exploring all the fun restaurants Seattle has to offer (too many to name), and cuddling with my two cats, Griff and Ralph (pictures upon request:)). 

Disclosure: I am aware of my privileges as a white, cis-gendered, straight-sized, and able-bodied person. I understand allyship is an ongoing and lifelong process that requires continuous work. I engage in analysis, education, and action on anti-racism and anti-fat bias to challenge my own internal biases, creating a space where all feel safe and heard. 

Nicole Adams (she/her)

Virtual Assistant

My favorite things include being outside/ playing in some capacity, running, hiking, and fishing. I like to learn and I'm curious about humans and the world, so being a student suits me well in some ways.  

My career background is in management; I worked with Starbucks for years and then managed sales and production for a farm for a bit. I also used to be a massage therapist. I went back to school after my daughter was born to pursue a career in dietetics. At 40, I'm in my final year of grad school and plan to take the RD exam in 2025. I'm most interested in applying nutrition through a lens of equity. I believe that a "healthy diet" can look many different ways. I get excited about helping people relax and become more confident with food, health, and feeding themselves and their families.